Working Papers IRED
Arbeitspapiere zur integrierten Immobilienentwicklung

Band, Nr. 1: Nadler, Michael (2014): Integrated Plans for Sustainable Urban Development (IPSUD) in Europe

Band, Nr. 2: Thiel, Stefan / Nadler, Michael (2015): External benefits of private property-led development projects

Band, Nr. 3: Nadler, Michael / Pascal Guhl (2015): Finance for land subdivision developments – Are new urban quarters a reasonable investment for EU structural funds?
Working Papers for integrated Real Estate Development

Band, Nr. 1: Nadler, Michael (2014): Integrated Plans for Sustainable Urban Development (IPSUD) in Europe

Band, Nr. 2: Thiel, Stefan / Nadler, Michael (2015): External benefits of private property-led development projects